Jennifer and Dennis Chong
In 1979, Jennifer and Dennis started a conjoint practice in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in Oakville, Ontario. They inadvertently converted their practice into a research laboratory into the fields of Ontology and Epistemology. This determined an extension of the search, examination, exploration and research into the fields of human semantics, philosophy, logic, human systems, their philosophy and logic, morality, ethics, religion. In turn this took them into the fields of topology, structure, systems theory, chaos theory, fractals and human illogicality and insanity. Today they have written six books in their research and are in the process of continuing to write on their findings.
Their recent book, ‘Do You Know How Another Knows To Be?’ has just been released.
They were once contributing authors to the Journal of Hypnosis.However, the Guild of Hypnotists required of them to submit their articles onto to their journal and no other in the world. This they could not agree to. Today they are contributing authors to the conjoint Journal of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, the International Journal of Literature and Arts and the Journal of Sociology.
They have, to their surprise a list of awards from professional bodies that include the American Board of Medical Psychotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotists, the International Medical and Dental Hypnosis Association (IMDHA), and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).
Reviews of Their Latest:
Do You Know How Another Knows To Be?
Epiepistemology Neuro-semantic programming, NSP
This work advances the understanding of the human condition and offers the reader a new approach, a Non-Aristotelian approach in being and relating. What is so eloquently put forth is and alternative to current mainstream thinking and communication. The Chong’s however, go beyond the excellence in communication, introducing a new philosophy and a new manner in relating and understanding each other by communicating clearly with honesty and respect.
Bryan Walsh, MA
This work is staggering in its scope and import.
Gary Philips, MA, CRSP, CHRP
After I finished reading this book, I felt centered and I then realized that there is more here than one might know or see. There is more there that the world needs to know.
Steve Corbeil, President
The authors embrace so much information from wide corners of studies and situations. This book brings forth the human aspects which encompass the knowledge necessary for the readers to appreciate where we are (and can be, if pursued further). Difficult as the subject is, the book gets to the bottom and sides of humanity and thus brings value to all. This is a specific treatment for our not-so-perfect understanding of what seems to be churning in the world.
Dato Syed Ahmad Idid
It provided me (a seasoned clinician) with valuable insights and new perspectives on the following:
⦁ Thinking and language and their importance in communication patterns between human beings
⦁ The structural methods of thinking and thoughts in the mind
⦁ The relevance of insights derived from Quantum Physics and their application in mental functioning
⦁ A good critique of the Aristotelian system of Cause and Effect
⦁ A correct highlight of the Non-Aristotelian Principles of Relativity and Relatedness, emphasizing the importance of the Non-Aristotelian Frame and its utility in Psychotherapy.
Karl O’Sullivan, MD, DPM, FRCP(I), FRCP (C), FRCPsych(UK). DABPN
Jennifer and Dennis Chong have exceeded expectation in the collaboration of this book. It is a true masterpiece filled with scientific data and timely information that every healthcare provide should know. Full of useful information. I highly recommend it for every professional library.
Robert Otto, CEO
A wise book, enlightening and powerful
Margaret Marsan
This book is simply exquisite. As the authors conclude, its contents may have bodhisattvatistic consequences for the reader.
George C. Woo, OD, PhD. FAAO, FACO, FCOptom
With all respect, this tome is a very valuable contribution to the current literature in this area. It clearly illustrates the path of thinking and research that the two authors have brilliantly carried out to publish this work. I find their area of expertise fascinating, thought provoking and very original. They have laid the path of other workers to carry on to develop this field even more for the benefit of mankind; and their painstaking effort should be congratulated and applauded.
Saroja Krishnaswamy, MB, BS, FRANZCP, FRCPsych (UK)
It (How Another Knows How to Be) breaks radically from the Aristotelian hierarchical view of the human mind, bringing out its associative and connective structure. Unlike its counterpart Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, it offers a truly humanistic and human approach to understanding everything from language to pain. This book is a “must read” by anyone who is interested in what we are.
Marcel Danesi, PhD, FRS(C)
They Have Two Daughters From Their Marriage
Eleanor Evans
BA, LlB, MBA, VP Operations in Toronto
She is married to Michael – who has very successful business in irrigation. From them they have two wonderful grandsons, Charles and Henry.
Astrid Fearn
BSc., ND, MB., BS, CCFP whose is now in family practice in Vancouver, BC
She is married to Christopher Fearn, BA, MBA and who is in business in an old established family business in BC. They have two of the most beautiful granddaughters that anyone could hope for.
On September 12, 2020 Jennifer and Dennis celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. It has been a long and winding road – UP A MOUNTAIN!