The Physics of Quantum Mechanics and the Physics of Human ontology – Epiepistemology and the Reailty of Opposites, (ROO), aka Reality of Duality, ( RUD )by Dennis K. Chong and Jennifer K. Smith Chong

Abstract We first encountered the idea of the Reality of Opposites in one of Joseph Campbells works. It concerned his proposition that in eternity/heaven all things are a UNITY with their natural opposites ‒ as one. However, in the reality of the Einsteinian space/time continuum they exist in the form of their natural opposites. In the mundane world we can witness the truth by what is before us ‒ tall vs short, fat vs thin, rich vs poor, master vs slave/servant and so forth. However, it seems that this fact finds confirmation from the field of Quantum Mechanics. For this there are important extrapolations that we can derive from it as it relates to the physics of our anthropology. Before he died Stephan Hawking affirmed that the evolution of our universe is in accord with the Laws of Physics that are embedded in it. We humans are derivatives of the evolution of this universe. Therefore, there must be Laws of Physics that apply to us. However, because we live them we have no cognitive awareness of what they are! One of the first mysterious facts of Quantum Mechanics, (QM) emerged out of the attempts to explore the physics of a sub-atomic particle. In the attempt to do so, it instantly morphed into a wave. And the physicists of QM were left in bewilderment as to what was happening. They did not know how the particle knew to morph itself instantly into a wave. In the search for an explication for this phenomenon, the physicists proposed that: It was the consciousness of the physicist that collapses the particle function into a wave function. I am conscious and so are you. As things, in and of themselves, our respective consciousness can do nothing to affect the other. This is self-evidential. Now, we know by our experience that one’s consciousness cannot impact on the consciousness of another. What impacts on another is the power of the character of a person. Thus, at a cocktail party we see a person that we have never met before and we are either instantly charmed by what we see either her beauty, poise and movements or the complaint: The moment I saw him across the room, I instantly felt ill-at ease. By my misfortune when he suddenly was beside me, I could feel the hair at the back of my neck prickle and stand up. It was so difficult to get away from him, especially as his breath smelt foul. Thankfully in the end I managed to do so. Akin to QM, we can morph one way, i.e. positive +ve or we may morph negative -ve, not because of the consciousness of another but because of his character and what emanates from it. Therefore, for Epiepistemology, (Eepi), to morph either way, one has to have the energy to do so. For this, in the olde days, it would be restated this way: It is the Life Principle in any entity that knows which way to respond. It is because we are alive that we human beings have sentiency. The power of our sentiency is underpinned by energy. A sub-atomic particle has energy. Its wave form has energy. It is this energy that underpins its ability to morph from particle to wave and from wave to particle. Has an amoeba any self-awareness since it is alive by its power of self-generated life giving energy? Of course it has because in my biology class, I well remember when I intruded a pin into its environment and moved it towards it, it somehow knew it was in danger and I could see it, in my microscope slide as it moved away from the advancing pin. This is the evidence that the amoeba could evaluate that it was in danger by this thing coming towards it, and it had to take steps to move away to save itself. By this is the evidence that it had the knowledge of selfhood. This is consciousness. What this means is that we can assert this as a fundamental fact of life: Anything that autonomously generates energy within itself, is alive and is sentient and has consciousness. And we would by extension assert that as a Law of Physics: Consciousness is universal, in this universe and all other universes, especially amidst its living things1 . So, in our solar system, from way out there in the periphery is Pluto and we can come from there past Jupiter and Saturn to Mars that is the closest to the Sun. The question is: Which of these heavenly bodies in our solar system generates the most energy. Of course you are correct. It is the Sun. Well then, is the sun sentient and is it conscious? Logically, you have very little latitude to answer our question. It is by our logic that we know we have to answer ‘Yes’. Oddly, ancient humans knew this and worshipped it as one of its Gods. Of course things changed for us when the extra-terrestrial named Yahweh came with his subcommanders, known as his arch angels and crew he called angels and: 1. set out to destroy all female goddesses 2. asserted himself as THE ONLY GOD 3. forbade his crew, from having sex with human females 4. some of his crew defied his order 1 Consciousness is universal in this universe and all other universes especially amidst its living things: Who is to say that somewhere in some planet in some galaxy far, far away there could be T. Rexes (TRs) that have sentient minds more powerful and greater than us. And they have fingers far more dexterous that ours; and have created flying machines that can fly them to neighbouring stars. And wherever they encountered human like beings in other planets, these TRs always found them to be delicious hors d’oeuvre. 5. in mating with beautiful human females, their progeny were human and were giants 6. these human giants were called the Nephilim 7. Yahweh sent angels to bring them in for punishment 8. they fled either singly with their mate, in pairs or in groups to whatever and wherever safety they could find. Whenever the giant bones of Nephilim are found, it is the policy of contemporary archaeology to immediately go to the site, examine the site, and then remove all the material. These bones are never assembled to be displayed in their Museums. To do such a thing would leave contemporary archaeologists a very difficult task of explaining the extra-terrestrial origins of these bones in accordance with the description of events in the Hebrew Torah2 . So, now, a wave is a self-generative energy producing entity. Has it then, like the amoeba, consciousness? We say that when it suddenly finds itself in an utterly different alien environment, it is forced to be ready to protect itself as the laboratory environment prevents it from escaping. At the most critical point of the physicist’s examination of a sub-atomic particle, it is also the instant that it becomes a wave. In this way, the wave could take flight. A wave is not a static thing. When physicists attempt to examine the particle, using the same Epiepistemological argument, the particle must protect itself as it is in danger. What does it do. It instantly morphs itself into a wave when the critical time of the scientist examination is at hand. We think this kind of morphing is not only true to QM. This kind of morphing is also true in our lives. When I was about 10 years old, I was taken to a photographic studio with the whole family, we were introduced to the photographer and he welcomed us and put us at ease. After some time in which my parents were in discussion with the photographer, he then took us to a different room. It seemed to be filled with powerfully lit electric bulbs. Then we were given various positions for the family photo. I can remember that I was still at ease; but when the time came to actually take the photo, I became worried and alarmed as to how it would turn out. Under these circumstances, I totally morphed into something else and on command to say, ‘CHEESE’ I showed my cheese thing. Even now, I know, I WAS THEN NOT MY NORMAL ‘ME’. It is a fact that in the culture of the American Plains Indians, they would never give their real name to a stranger. To do so, would be to reveal the real you. When you do, the other could gain power over you. Consider this fact. I am now focussed on the creation of this article. If someone in the house calls my name, Dennis, my ontology will instantly change3 . What crosses my mind might be: Oh heck! What is the problem now. This sudden shift is no different than the instant shift from wave to particle in QM. What we are describing here is the phenomena out of the Reality of Opposites, ROO or the Reality of Duality, RUD. 2 explaining the extra-terrestrial origins of these bones in accordance with the description of events in the Hebrew Torah: That they are extra-terrestrial can be verified by the portion of their DNA that underpin their gigantism which is absent in the normal human genome. 3 my ontology will instantly change: Jennifer has been my wife for 49 years and confirms how from normal I can suddenly shift to alarm when she sometimes shrieks my name! In the field of the therapies what really then are we dealing with? We are dealing with the spinoffs from ROO/RUD. Epiepistemologically speaking, it is about the conversion from NORMAL ONTOLOGY to ABNORMAL ONTOLOGY. This is the equivalent of wave to particle. What we have discussed so far is about the Epiepistemology of being that is morphing from particle to wave or vice versa; its human equivalent is in the instance when a picture of you is to be photographed. Put simply it is about the shift of a NORMAL ONTOLOGY to an ABNORMAL/ DIFFERNT ONTOLOGY. For the phenomenon to take place, the structures that uphold the normal conditions for a normal ontology to prevail have been suborned and replaced with new structures of an ABNORMAL/DIFFERENT ontology. So then what is therapy? Therapy is Second Order Change, IIOC, (ref to the work CHANGE by Paul Watzlawick, John Weakland and Richard Fisch) or (refer to the work HUMAN NATURE, Is It Possible To Change It? by Jennifer and Dennis Chong). IIOC is of course the term for the ABNORMAL/DIFFERENT ontology. Briefly, you need to change the structure of the new conditions. At a personal level, you will certainly not support the ABNORMAL/DIFFERENT ontology. To do so would be to connive in sustaining it. The second thing you are to do is examine and explore what are the structures that generate the ABNORMAL/DIFFERENT ontology; and your task then is to find the Therapeutic Algorithm (TA) to unravel it. Of course to be able to do these things you are to get the knowledge of Epiepistemology. If you are interested you can contact us: We cannot end this article without sharing with you this phenomenon out of QM. It is called Quantum Entanglement. What is it? It is that any event that takes place here has a doppelganger somewhere else. Thus if my wife were to slap me now, somewhere else, at the same time, another exact her would be doing the same to another exact me. When I shared this with Jennifer, she thought I was insane. Well now, you may be far better informed by Wikipedia.

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